Literary Fun: 7 Ridiculous Book Title Anagrams


Occupational hazard of bookselling: When you look at book covers all day long, your eyes start playing tricks on you. The letters seem to rearrange themselves into other words, and the next thing you know . . .


. . . you’re seeing things. Welcome to our madness. Please enjoy some literary anagrams: alternate titles made entirely and only from the letters in the originals.

Everyone knows this classic tale of class and social striving.

The Great Gatsby
By F. Scott Fitzgerald

But have you read the satisfyingly scandalous sequel?

eggs that betray
West Egg, East Egg . . . it’s all a scramble.

 * * *

You’ve read the eerie book. You’ve watched the series on TV.

The Handmaid’s Tale 
By Margaret Atwood

Now discover how the characters really felt about those outfits.

I had Lamented Hats
The hats are the least of it.

 * * *

Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Jon Meacham believes America is a beautiful melting pot.

The Soul of America
By Jon Meacham

We say it’s more of . . .

A Careful Smoothie * * *

Critics and readers can’t get enough of this new novel about young love and crises of faith.

The Incendiaries
By R. O. Kwon

You might say it’s about. . . forbidden fruit?

I Hide Nectarines2

 * * *

The hit of the summer was this ensemble novel about a group of friends in Chicago.

The Great Believers
By Rebecca Makkai

But what if it were narrated by . . .

three legit beavers
Just legit ones, though.

  * * *

Were you one of the people whose lives were changed by this bestseller?

Eat Pray Love 
By Elizabeth Gilbert

Well, now it’s time to get out there yourself.

Yo Travel Ape
See the world, yo — with your travel ape.

 * * *

We sell lots of copies of Ann’s latest novel.

By Ann Patchett

It hits pretty close to home.

Hometown Clam

Help. We can’t stop.

(Join us? Chime in with literary anagrams of your own on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.)


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