A Shop Dog’s Wish (+ 17 Worthy Causes to Support This Holiday Season)

From all of us, the shop dogs of Parnassus Books, to all of you — our human and canine bookloving friends — we wish joy and peace. Please enjoy our annual holiday greeting. (See above. This year it’s a special story about how we all helped Opie.) And if there’s any way we can help you in these last days of 2016 — snuggles? noseprints on your glasses? — just let us know. We’re at your loyal service. Here’s our schedule for the next couple of weeks:


Meanwhile, we asked the shop-people if they had anything to add, and they said that in addition to expressing their most heartfelt thanks to everyone in Nashville and beyond who reads and supports indie bookstores, they’d like to suggest a few local and/or literary organizations that could really use a little extra love this season. So if you’ve already given hugs to your nearest dog and you’re still in a giving mood, please check out these causes that are near and dear to our booksellers’ hearts:



Local AND Literary:

Not exactly literary or local, but important, and run by some of our dear literary friends: The Compassion Collective

– the shop dogs